The Housing and Community Investment Department, a division of the City of Chattanooga’s Department of Economic Development, is responsible for all aspects of administering entitlement grants, including the
required consolidated planning and reporting.

The Office is responsible for ensuring adherence to all
requirements related to infusing the funding into the community, monitoring for compliance/outcomes,
and reporting to HUD and the community. The office is responsible for managing all processes related to
the preparation and submittal of Annual Action Plans, Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation
Reports (CAPERs) and, the Five-Year Consolidated Plan.

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is the largest, annual entitlement grant the City of Chattanooga receives from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The City receives approximately $2.2 million in CDBG funding, annually.

The CDBG program gives Chattanooga the opportunity to develop viable communities by funding activities that provide decent housing; a suitable living environment; and expand economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate-income persons.

The grant is managed by the Office of Community Development (ECD) Community Development Division. Some eligible uses include administration, planning, housing, infrastructure, public improvements, blight elimination, economic development, and public services.

Funds are awarded to carry out a wide range of community development activities directed toward housing, neighborhood revitalization, economic development, and the provision of improved community facilities and services.

All projects/activities must meet one of the three national objectives of the program:

  1. Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; or
  2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; or
  3. Address needs having a particular urgency.

The City’s CDBG-funded projects are carried out through ECD, other City departments, and through partnerships with local non-profit entities.

The City of Chattanooga makes CDBG funds available through an annual application process for eligible activities which assist the City in addressing the needs and priorities outlined in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan. The priority areas include:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Expand Affordable Housing Opportunities
  • Preserve Existing Affordable Housing Units
  • Non-housing Community Development
  • Blight Elimination
  • Public Facility and Infrastructure Improvements
  • Homeless Services
  • Housing/Services for the Homeless/At-risk
  • Non-Homeless Services
  • Public Services
  • Economic Development
  • Reduce Poverty/Expand Economic Opportunity
  • Planning and Administration

A range of goals, objectives, and outcomes were formulated under the priorities to address needs identified for homelessness, housing, non-housing community development, barriers to affordable housing, lead-based paint hazards, special needs, and economic development.

The City is targeting CDBG funding towards the following efforts:

  • Increase access to and supply of affordable rental housing for the City’s low- and moderate-income households.
  • Increase access to affordable homeownership opportunities for City residents.
  • Increase the viability for potential homeownership opportunities.
  • Increase the number and types of newly constructed, or renovated homes available on the affordable housing market.
  • Improve the condition of housing for low-income renters and homeowners.
  • Preserve existing affordable housing stock.
  • Provide housing and services to special needs populations, including low-barrier housing for the homeless.
  • Continue to collaborate with homeless providers to supply a continuum of services.
  • Support services aimed at the prevention and elimination of homelessness.
  • Provide funding for public/facility improvements, strategically coordinated with housing and community revitalization activities.
  • Promote economic development activities by supporting businesses and individuals engaged in economic development activities.
  • Improve access to information about affordable housing.
  • Address zoning and other regulations that are counterintuitive to the preservation and production of affordable housing.
  • Eliminate housing discrimination and bias toward affordable housing
  • Address blight and disinvestment -help stabilize and restore the quality of life and housing conditions in low-income neighborhoods by alleviating danger from properties that are a threat to public health, substandard, and/or vacant.
  • Convert blight to productive property.

Community Development Block Grant FY 2022-2023 

FY 2022-2023 CDBG Application Instructions

FY 2022-2023 CDBG Application

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)

The Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program enables City of Chattanooga’s Homeless Services Division to provide various programming and shelter to persons who are homeless or are at-risk for becoming homeless. The City of Chattanooga is receiving approximately $150,000 in ESG funds, annually, from the Tennessee Housing Development Agency (THDA).

The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH Act) amended the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, revising the Emergency Shelter Grants Program in significant ways and renaming it the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program. The change in the program’s name, from Emergency Shelter Grants to Emergency Solutions Grants, reflects the change in the program’s focus from addressing the needs of homeless people in emergency or transitional shelters to assisting people to quickly regain stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.

The ESG program provides funding to:

  • Engage homeless individuals and families living on the street;
  • Improve the number and quality of emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families;
  • Help operate these shelters;
  • Provide essential services to shelter residents;
  • Rapidly re-house homeless individuals and families; and
  • Prevent families and individuals from becoming homeless.

ESG funds may be used for five program components: street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing assistance, and HMIS; as well as administrative activities (up to 7.5% of a recipient’s allocation can be used for administrative activities).

Through its Homeless Services Division, in coordination with other local efforts, the City will use ESG for eligible activities to address strategies to combat and end homelessness outlined in the 2018 Chattanooga Community Action Plan.

The City participates in the local coordinated entry system and collaborates with the area’s Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agency and other local agencies that are committed to the goal of ending homelessness in Chattanooga and surrounding areas.

The HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME)

The HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME) enables the City to provide affordable housing to low- and moderate-income persons. The HOME Program provides federal funds to state and local governments to carry out multi-year housing strategies through acquisition, rehabilitation, and new construction of housing units in addition to tenant-based assistance.

HOME is the largest federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households. The purpose of the program is to expand the supply of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable housing for citizens comprising the lowest income earning households.

The City of Chattanooga makes HOME funds available for any HOME eligible activity which assists the City in addressing the housing needs outlined in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, which includes homeownership, homeowner acquisition, rehabilitation, and/or new construction of rental housing projects.

The City’s HOME projects are carried out primarily through partnerships with local non-profit housing organizations, for-profit developers, homeless services providers, and other housing assistance partners.

The City of Chattanooga accepts applications for these funds on a continuous basis. 

HOME Affordable Rental and Homeowner Housing

The City accepts applications from qualified non-profit and for-profit developers to produce and/or preserve affordable housing using HOME funds. 

Funding for a project can be 50% of project costs, up to a maximum of $40,000 per unit. Higher funding limits can be considered for entities using CHDO set-aside funds in a project. 

Periodically, the City hosts workshops to provide an overview of housing programs, features, and requirements. Check out the most recent presentation.

CHDO Set Aside

HUD requires a 15% set aside of HOME funds to be earmarked for Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). These funds are for the development of affordable housing by an agency meeting a specific set of requirements that qualify them as a CHDO. CHDO status must be established prior to applying for HOME CHDO set-aside funds.

Before an application can be considered, the City must certify that an applicant is a qualified Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), based on HUD requirements. This is required each time an entity applies for set-aside funds. If you are interested in applying for or recertifying CHDO status, please submit the documents below to hci@chattanooga.gov.

CHDO Proposal Description and Information 

Application for CHDO Status

CHDO Checklist

CHDO Board Makeup

Chattanooga Lead Safe and Healthy Homes

This program is currently closed.

About the Program

The City of Chattanooga Office of Community Development administers a Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program that provides grant funding to prevent Childhood Lead Poisoning and improve health and safety conditions for low (owner-occupied homes) and very-low (landlord owned/tenant occupied homes) income families residing in homes built prior to 1978, within the City of Chattanooga zip codes. The purpose of this grant award is to control or remediate hazardous conditions where children may live, visit, or play caused by the presence of deteriorating, peeling, and chipping, lead-based paint and improve conditions that are identified as harmful to health. Participants can be referred by the Hamilton County Health Department, other grant partners, or apply directly by calling (423) 643-7311. The program is limited to homes constructed prior to 1978, and occupied by low or very-low income owners or tenants. Owner-occupied homes must have a child less-than 6 years of age that either resides in or visits the house on a regular and frequent basis. Tenant occupied homes do not require an associated child to be eligible for funding, however, occupants must income qualify.

The Lead Safe and Healthy Homes Program is funded by grants received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) through competitive grant applications. This is the first award received by the City of Chattanooga. We are planning to provide lead-based paint inspections and risk assessments in approximately 85 units and lead hazard control and healthy home repairs in approximately 75 homes. The control/remediation work can vary from painting to replacement of deteriorated components. In some cases, if deteriorated lead paint is found on window sashes or exterior doors these windows and doors may be replaced with Energy Star rated new units. The program may also enclose fascia, gutter boards and soffits with aluminum and in some instances, install new vinyl siding to enclose an existing lead painted surface determined to be a hazard to the occupants. This grant will also provide education on the hazards of lead-based paint to local residents and training to local contractors and landlords on clean-up and maintenance of properties where lead-based paint hazards have been identified.

Healthy Home repairs will be provided in a minimum of 40 units where lead-based paint hazards have also been identified. This will consist of an inspection to determine if hazards are present that can affect the health and safety of the occupants and provide repairs to address hazards where funding allows. Small plumbing/drain repair, smoke alarm installation, lighting/fan repair and installation, and safety rail/grab bar installation are some of the services that can be provided through this funding.

How to qualify when the homeowner lives in the home:

● Meet income and other eligibility requirements as described in the program brochure

● Live within the city limits of Chattanooga in a house built before 1978.

● Be the owner of record and current with real estate property taxes.

● Have at least one child less-than 6 years of age that either resides there or visits the house on a regular and frequent basis. *(such as two – 3-hour visits per week or 60 hours per year)

If you would like to apply for the program, download a full application packet. If you have questions or would like for us to mail you an application packet, please call (423) 643-7311 or email leadsafehomes@chattanooga.gov.

If you are the owner who rents your property and your tenant meets the income qualifications for very-low income described in the program brochure.

This brochure will explain what happens after you enroll in the program. 

For more information about the dangers of lead-based paint and healthy home safety:

Lead in Soil

Lead Paint Safety Field Guide

Steps to a Lead Safe Renovation

For More Information:

US Environmental Protection Agency at https://www.epa.gov/lead

US Center for Disease Control at https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/lead

US HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes at https://www.hud.gov/healthyhomes

National Center for Healthy Housing at https://nchh.org or 1-877-312-3046

National Lead Information Center at 1-800-424-5323 or


Housing Programs (Continuous Basis)

Housing Programs (Continuous Basis):

Periodically, the City hosts a training workshop to provide an overview of programs, features, and requirements. A copy of the most recent presentation can be found below.

Training Workshop Presentation

Required Forms for ALL Housing Programs

Intent to Apply Form

Environmental Review Application

Uniform Relocation Act Information

URA Voluntary Acquisition Notice

Section 3 Business Concern Certification

Section 3 Resident Certification

Acknowledgment and Intent to Comply with Section 3 Regulations

HOME Affordable Rental and Homeowner Housing

HOME Affordable Rental and Homeowner Housing

Through this program, the Department of Economic and Community Development (ECD) seeks partners in the preservation and production of affordable rental and owner-occupied housing units in the city.

This program is designed for non-profit and for-profit developers who wish to create or preserve affordable housing. Maximum funding not to exceed $40,000 per unit.

The City accepts applications from qualified non-profit and for-profit developers to produce and/or preserve affordable housing using HOME funds.

Funding for a project can be 50% of project costs, up to a maximum of $40,000 per unit. Higher funding limits can be considered for entities using CHDO set-aside funds in a project. All assisted projects must serve households meeting income eligibility guidelines and be located within the city limits of Chattanooga.

Applications for funding will be accepted on a rolling basis, and funds are awarded on a first come first served basis until all grant funds are allocated.

Prior to completing a full application, to preliminarily determine whether a proposed project is eligible, interested applicants can start by completing and submitting an Intent to Apply.

For questions, please contact Countess Jenkins at (423) 643-7333 or cjenkins@chattanooga.gov.

Overview and Guidelines 

Application for HOME funds

Development Template (Pro Forma)

Guide to Completing Development Template (Pro Forma)

2021 HOME Rent and Income Limits

Rehab/Development Cost & Specifications

Landlord Renovation Program

Landlord Renovation Program

For landlords with vacant, substandard rental units they wish to renovate. Landlords can receive a grant to cover 50% of renovation costs, up to $17,000. The actual amount depends upon the number of bedrooms and cost of renovation. For funding consideration, please complete a program application.

For questions, please contact Doug Smith at 423-643-7336 or 423-362-6795. or dssmith@chattanooga.gov.

2021 CDBG Rent and Income Limits

Rapid Rental Repair Program

The Chattanooga Community Development Department has a new program, the Rapid Rental Repair program, to assist landlords with rental-unit turnover repairs. The maximum grant amount is $4,900 per unit. Typical expenses eligible for reimbursement include replacement of appliances such as washers and dryers, patching of cracks and holes, repairing doors/windows, etc. Email a completed application with supporting documents to dssmith@chattanooga.gov.

If you have any questions, please call Doug Smith at 423-643-7336 or 423-362-6795.


Rapid Rental Repair Program

The Chattanooga Community Development Department has a new program, the Rapid Rental Repair program, to assist landlords with rental-unit turnover repairs. The maximum grant amount is $4,900 per unit. Typical expenses eligible for reimbursement include replacement of appliances such as washers and dryers, patching of cracks and holes, repairing doors/windows, etc. Email a completed application with supporting documents to dssmith@chattanooga.gov.

If you have any questions, please call Doug Smith at 423-643-7336 or 423-362-6795.

Rapid Rental Repair Program One Page Description

Rapid Rental Repair Program Full Description

Rapid Rental Repair Program Application

Minor Home Repair Program

This program is designed to assist homeowners with minor home repairs who live inside the Chattanooga City limits. These repairs are completed through partnerships with selected non-profit organizations at no cost to the applicant. However, repairs are subject to approval by the City of Chattanooga, its partnering agencies, and available funding.

For questions, send an email to comdev@chattanooga.gov.

This program is temporarily closed and not accepting applications

Minor Home Repair Application

Residential Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Program

The Residential PILOT Program is a financial incentive, which is designed to encourage multi-family rental development by freezing property taxes at the predevelopment level for a predetermined period of time.

PILOT Application and Guidelines

PILOT Evaluation and Scoring Sheet

PILOT Information Sheet

Chattanooga Affordable Housing Fund

The Chattanooga Affordable Housing Fund leverages Federal, State, and private dollars for the preservation and production of affordable housing for target households earning up to 80% of area median income. The application process is ongoing, and projects are presented to the Health, Educational, and Housing Facilities Board (HEB) for consideration.

Chattanooga Affordable Housing Fund Guidelines and Application

Subrecipient and Landlord Resources

Resources for Grantees, Subrecipients, Housing Developers, and Landlords

Training and Presentations

Housing Programs Training Presentation

2020-2021 CDBG Subrecipient Training

Environmental Review Training Presentation


Rent and Income Limits for Grants and Programs




Chattanooga Affordable Housing Fund

Residential Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT)

Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance Program

Minor Home Repair

Lead Safe and Healthy Homes

OneCPD Income Calculator


Reporting and Payments

CDBG/HOME/ESG Quarterly Report

Reimbursement Request Form and Checklist

Reimbursement Request Authorized Signature Form


Grant Specific Information


ESG Conflict of Interest Form



CDBG IDIS Setup and Completion Form

CDBG Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Program Outcome Chart

Notice of Ineligibility for Assistance


Maximum Subsidy Limits

Maximum Purchase/After Rehab Value Limits

HOME IDIS Homebuyer Setup and Completion Form

HOME IDIS Rental Setup and Completion Form

HOME Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Section 3 Resources

Section 3 Plan for Subrecipients

Section 3 Plan for Contractors

Section 3 Resident Certification

Section 3 Business Concern Certification

Section 3 Progress Report

HUD Section 3 Site

Am I a Section 3 Business? (Link to HUD Site)


Rental Housing – Partner Resources

Rental Housing Compliance Guide

Rental Property Management Plan and Responsibilities Outline

Rental Projects Insurance Requirements

Rental Housing Policy and Procedures (Example)

Sample – Rental Application

Sample – Lease Agreement

Release of Information, Employment, and Income Verification

Lead Disclosure (Rental Housing)

Lead-Based Paint Pamphlet

Lead-Based Paint Pamphlet Acknowledgement

CDBG Rental Projects – Initial and Long-term Occupancy Report

HOME/NSP Rental Projects – Initial Rental Compliance Report

HOME/NSP Rental Projects – Long-Term Occupancy Report

RentWise Booklet (English)

Contact Information: